Auntie Anne’s Menu With Prices

Auntie Anne’s Menu (Pretzels, Drinks, Snacks)

Want to know how much Auntie Anne’s will cost See the full Auntie Anne’s menu with prices including pretzels, buckets, drinks, catering and more!

Auntie Anne’s Shareable Snacks Menu



Pepperoni Pretzel Nuggets Bucket


The Classics Snack Pack


Original Pretzel Nuggets Bucket


Mini Pretzel Dogs Bucket


Pretzel Nugget Bucket Snack Pack


Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Nuggets Bucket


Mini Dogs Bucket Snack Pack


Bite-Size Snack Pack


Auntie Anne’s Fulfilling Bites Menu



Pepperoni Pretzel Nuggets (Small 16oz)


Pepperoni Pretzel Nuggets (Regular 21oz)


Mini Pretzel Dogs


Pepperoni Pretzel


Original Pretzel Dog


Auntie Anne’s Salty Favs & Sweet Treats Menu



Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Nuggets (Small 16oz)


Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Nuggets (Regular 21oz)


Original Pretzel Nuggets (Small 16oz)


Original Pretzel Nuggets (Regular 21oz)


Original Pretzel


Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel


Sweet Almond Pretzel


Auntie Anne’s Drinks Menu



Frozen Lemonade Mixers (Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Mango) (Medium 20oz)


Original Lemonade (Small 16oz)


Original Lemonade (Medium (21oz)


Original Lemonade (Large 32oz)


Original Frozen Lemonade (Medium 20oz)


Lemonade Mixers (Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Mango) (Small 16oz)


Lemonade Mixers (Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Mango) (Medium 20oz)


Lemonade Mixers (Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Mango) (Large 32oz)


Coke Products (Small 16oz)


Coke Products (Medium 21oz)


Coke Products (Large 32oz)


Bottled Water


Auntie Anne’s Dips Menu



Cheese Dip


Sweet Glaze Dip


Marinara Dip


Hot Salsa Cheese Dip


Honey Mustard Dip


Caramel Dip


Light Cream Cheese Dip


6 Dips


Auntie Anne’s Catering Menu



Snack Stadium (with or without protein)


Classic Pretzel Packages (12 count)


Classic Pretzel Packages (24 count)


Classic Pretzel Packages (48 count)


Classic Pretzel Packages (96 count)


Pepperoni Pretzel Package (12 count)


Pepperoni Pretzel Package (24 count)


Pepperoni Pretzel Package (48 count)


Pepperoni Pretzel Package (96 count)


Pretzel Buckets (Original, Cinnamon Sugar, Pepperoni, Mini Pretzel Dogs)


Pretzel Dog Packages (12 count)


Pretzel Dog Packages (24 count)


Gallon Drinks (Original Lemonade)


Gallon Drinks (Lemonade Mixer)


Assorted Dip Set (6 Individual Dips)


1 Dip (Cheese, Hot Salsa Cheese, Marinara, Honey Mustard, Caramel)


Frequently Asked Questions about Auntie Anne’s:

Where can I find the nearest Auntie Anne’s location?

You can find the nearest Auntie Anne’s location by visiting their official website and using their store locator tool. Auntie Anne’s are often found in shopping malls, airports, and other high-traffic areas.

What are the store hours for Auntie Anne’s?

The store hours for Auntie Anne’s may vary by location, so it’s best to check the specific store’s operating hours either on their website or by contacting them directly. Typically, Auntie Anne’s stores open in the morning and close in the evening, but hours may vary on weekends and holidays.

Does Auntie Anne’s offer online ordering or delivery services?

Auntie Anne’s offers online ordering for pickup at select locations. Delivery services may vary depending on location, and some Auntie Anne’s stores may partner with third-party delivery apps for delivery services.

What varieties of pretzels does Auntie Anne’s offer besides the classic original pretzel?

In addition to the classic original pretzel, Auntie Anne’s offers various pretzel varieties such as cinnamon sugar pretzels, almond pretzels, pepperoni pretzel nuggets, jalapeno pretzels, and sour cream & onion pretzels. They also have pretzel dogs, pretzel nuggets, and pretzel bites.

Does Auntie Anne’s provide nutritional information for their products?

Yes, Auntie Anne’s provides nutritional information for their products on their official website. You can find details on calories, fat content, sugar levels, and more in their online nutritional guide.

Does Auntie Anne’s have a rewards or loyalty program?

Auntie Anne’s has a rewards program called “My Pretzel Perks.” By signing up for this program, you can earn points on purchases, receive exclusive offers, and get a free pretzel on your birthday. You can sign up for My Pretzel Perks through their website or mobile app.

Do Auntie Anne’s products contain nuts or other allergens?

Some Auntie Anne’s products may contain nuts or other allergens as they are prepared in a bakery that uses ingredients known to contain such allergens. If you have specific allergies or concerns, it’s advisable to contact the store directly or check Auntie Anne’s ingredient information on their website.

How can I provide feedback or contact Auntie Anne’s customer service?

If you have feedback or need to contact Auntie Anne’s customer service, you can visit their official website and navigate to the “Contact Us” or “Customer Support” section. They typically provide contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, or an online contact form for customer inquiries and feedback.

Please note that specific offerings and policies may vary by location. It’s always advisable to check with the store directly or visit the official Auntie Anne’s website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Auntie Anne’s Social Media & Website Links:

Disclaimer: Menu selections and prices can vary by location and time of day and are subject to change. All prices are estimated and for reference only. Check with your local restaurant for current prices and menus. Hot Coupon World is an independent site and is not affiliated with any restaurant listed. Trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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